英文面试感谢信 篇1Dear xxx, 亲爱的xxx
I want to express my thanks to you again for the opportunity and time to interview with me even though I did not make to the final round. It was a great experience talking to you and the team/department manager and also getting to know your company more. 我想再次对这次您给予的面试的机会以及时间表示感谢,尽管我能进入最后一轮面试。可以跟你和团队/部门经理交谈,以及更好地了解你们公司,是一次很棒的经验。
I was very impressed by how the team works together so effectively and how the managerial level/c-suite interacts with the staff in the company. 让我印象非常深的是整个团队工 ……此处隐藏569个字……/p>
It was great meeting you today, and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. I'm excited to be considered for the (name the position) as well as all of the opportunities the company presents. I had a good time discussing my [en]passion
of ( what you're passionate about) and really enjoyed learning more about ( what new tidbit you learned about the company).[/en]
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to following up with you.
Best regards